The Guarda Edge Powercutter has a built-in extraction system eliminating Carbon Monoxide (CO) from the exhaust and greatly mitigating silica dust levels. This technology is built into the blade guard and also extracts most of the slurry that would normally escape from the blade guard whilst cutting. We call this system Tri Vac Technology.
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How Good Is The Edge Powercutter?
Features & Benefits
Tri-Vac Technology:
- Helps move harmful fumes such as Carbon Monoxide away from the operator via vacuum suction and a hose attachment to the muffler
- Silica dust control via a combination of water delivered to the blade guard and vacuum suction.
- Slurry control via vacuum suction to the blade guard
- Fumes, dust and slurry are moved down the same hose and away from the cutting operations
- No electricity & water at the saw
- Quick and easy to set up
- Suitable for general purpose concrete cutting
- Light weight for ease of use
- Suitable for 15 inch (380mm) blades with 6 inch (150mm) cutting depth
- Complies with US emission standards (as fitted)
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